About Us

Our Mission

Enhancing Worldwide Collaboration and Connectivity

Greatly enriching multicultural engagements

Strengthening the integration of people knowledge exchange

WRTO will focus on promoting the sharing and exchange of knowledge, cultural understanding, research travel market insights across countries, establishing relevant international standard, and advancing research travel interactions worldwide.

About WRTO

World Research Travel Organization (WRTO) was established on 16th February 2014 in Canada as a non-profit organization, with its headquarters later established in Leshan, Sichuan, China, in August 2019. WRTO's mission is to enhance worldwide collaboration and connectivity, enrich multicultural engagements, and strengthen the integration of knowledge exchange among people through research travel.

Our Principles

Emphasizing Forefront Theory

In WRTO, experts in global research travel contribute their wisdom, gather their enthusiasm, make educational travel more scientific, and share the experience and knowledge of research travel globally.

Focus on children's growth

Our aim is to assist more children in broadening their horizons, enhancing their understanding, fostering a deeper connection with nature and culture, and enriching their experience of communal living and social values through research travel. They can discover their authentic selves and embrace love, happiness, and personal growth.

Focus on Promotion

Approach to Research Travel emphasize practical actions that address the needs of both nature and society, placing a strong emphasis on active engagement.

Commitment to Quality Improvement

We care about both children and grown-ups. Our goal is to encourage lifelong learning where we discover our own strength through learning.

The research travel we promote is a form of inquiry-based learning, involving deep exploration of the world through both understanding and practice. It's distinct from traditional study or educational tours. Travel is a form of cultivation while Research Travel is an exploratory cultivation where it concerns lifelong practice.

Organization Purpose

WRTO aims to establish global camps, quality educational institutions, international educational organizations, and governmental agencies, along with a platform for market exchange. These entities rely on study tours to spread knowledge and human culture. The focus will be on understanding concepts such as 'climate change,' 'natural disasters,' and 'sustainable development' through nature and culture. This will expand the horizons of the tourism industry, education sector, and government leaders. WRTO will guide the development of high-quality study programs, training instructors, and establish international standard study bases. It will promote the connection between humans and nature, foster the sustainable development of human culture, and encourage academic prosperity and practices in study and learning tourism. Additionally, WRTO will facilitate international research travel exchange and collaboration.

Organization Main Task

1.Theoretical research

Drawing upon global leaders in research travel, we meticulously explore a wide range of research travel subjects, aiming to establish a comprehensive theoretical model and expand the theoretical boundaries of the field. Our objective is to foster standardized development in research travel and offer worldwide developmental guidelines.

2.Exchange and co-operation.

i.Promote exchange and mutual support among organization members, facilitating the exchange of cutting-edge international development insights and information. We aim to create a global platform that connects research travel product suppliers, demanders, and various study organizations, paving the way for an open and collaborative global market for research travel.

ii.Confront both the opportunities and challenges that arise in the development of research travel, drawing lessons from worldwide experiences in research travel and facilitating collaboration among members to navigate shared obstacles.

iii.To arrange global and regional conferences aimed at exchanging experiences and exploring solutions for advancing research travel. These will serve as platforms for diverse institutions and individuals from various backgrounds to engage in meaningful dialogue and collaboration.

3.Publicity and promotion.

Promote research travel on a global scale, expanding the research travel market, and actively advocating for the World Research Travel Organization. We aim to showcase success stories from various countries to inspire and encourage further engagement in research travel initiatives worldwide.


Centered on the expertise of industry leaders and leveraging advanced international experiences in research travel development, we are committed to offering members of the organization comprehensive guidance services. This includes theoretical support, assistance in base construction, curriculum design, and instructor training, empowering them to develop successful research travel programs.

WRTO has a think tank of 300+ top global experts in various fields of study tours to provide our partners with one-stop consulting and guidance services in all disciplines, across fields, specialization and internationalization.

-Geology and geography experts, tourism management experts
-Tourism management experts
-Culture and education experts
-Biology experts
-Camp management experts