Past Conference

2020 1st World Research Travel Conference

October 2020

On 19-21 October 2020, the 2020 World Research Travel Conference was held in Leshan with the theme of 'reading thousands of books and travelling thousands of miles', and more than 300 experts, scholars and guests from 13 countries and regions came together to discuss the development of research travel in an 'online + offline' to 'get together' and seek common study tourism development. World Research Travel Conference as the research travel industry first international event had attracted the attention of many media across the world.

2021 2nd World Research Travel Conference

13-15 July 2021

2021 2nd World Research Travel Conference held in Haikouu China with the theme of 'Travel the World , Explore Hainan' . The World Research organisation member units, the domestic relevant provinces and cities of tourism and cultural departments guests, major research travel institutions, colleges and universities, as well as the province of cities and counties of the Bureau of tourism and cultural affairs, the travel industry associations and key study tourism base representatives had their discussion revolving the two major themes, 'Research Travel in the context of the Free Trade Port to promote global cross-cultural exchanges and the growth of young people' and 'Exploration of the marine culture and innovation of the future education' and jointly explore the research travel development road.

2023 3rd World Research Travel Conference

02 - 04 April 2023

Under the theme 'Walking in Henan - Understanding China,' the 2023 World Research Travel Conference was a hybrid conference with online and offline formats, showcasing four key sub-forums: Study of Ancient Capitals, Study of Yellow River Culture, Innovation in research travel, Camp Education, and Brands Study. This approach will introduced a new dimension of Henan's research travel chain to the global audience. The conference aims to immerse participants in innovative educational products from Henan, providing insights of the evolving research industry there, and enhance the global profile of the 'Travel Henan - Understanding China' brand by highlighting its unique value.